Starting a business? Have you thought about...

Business insurance
Student loan repayments
Xero setup and record keeping
We know you have hundreds of thoughts and ideas when setting up your business and you’re bound to overlook some aspects or haven’t considered certain areas. This is absolutely normal, and when you realise this, get in touch with a suitable advisor.
We can’t give you a list of everything to consider, but we’ve covered some topics here that you may need to address.
Business insurance
There are numerous types of insurance you can purchase to protect yourself and your business. They include Business Asset Insurance, Public Liability, Employers Liability, Statutory Liability, and Income Protection.
We suggest you contact insurance providers for quotes. Another option is to speak to your bank manager; they usually provide sound advice around what is best for you. Remember, at the end of the day, it is up to you what sort of insurance you buy. Don’t be pressured into purchasing every insurance policy under the sun, but security definitely comes first.
If you are contracting, you’re responsible for paying your own ACC levies. Your first ACC payment is normally calculated after your first tax return as a contractor is filed. Your payment will be based on your net income and the specific industry you work in – each industry has a different rate.
ACC often comes as a surprise to a new business person because ACC has always been paid via your PAYE-paid wages and you don’t see it.
However, in the event you have an accident, you do get paid out a weekly amount of 80% of your normal income – so this is effectively another form of insurance.
You can contact ACC directly if you would like more information. Unfortunately, due to privacy reasons, we are unable to do this for you.
Student loan repayments
If you have a student loan and are no longer receiving any PAYE-paid wages or salaries, Inland Revenue will calculate your student loan payment when you file your personal tax return at the end of the financial year. The student loan threshold changes each year, but is generally around $20,000. This means you’ll pay 12% on any net income you earn above this threshold.
For example, if you earn a net income of $32,500 for the financial year, you will pay:
- 12% on ($32,500-$20,000 = $12,500)
- 12% x $12,500 = $1,500 payment
Your student loan payment is due on the same dates as your income tax and provisional tax (if applicable). You can contact the Inland Revenue Department, Student Loan section if you wish to make voluntary payments throughout the year.
If you have a KiwiSaver account and wish to continue making contributions, please contact your KiwiSaver provider about setting up a direct debit into your account.
We have a separate blog on Kiwisaver for the self-employed, which is a useful read.
These days, Kiwisaver is probably the only investment where you’ll receive a 50% return, up to $520. It’s free money!
Xero setup and record keeping
We can set you up with a Xero accounting subscription. This will be linked directly to your bank account and records all income and expenses going through your bank.
You are not required to use Xero and there are many other options out there. However, we find Xero the most efficient accounting package available, plus we can access it (if you provide authorisation) and advise you on your progress at any stage.
You will still be required to keep all invoices/receipts for up to 7 years and could be requested to provide copies to the Inland Revenue Department at any time. So, keeping these in some sort of order is definitely advisable. We love it when clients attach invoices to Xero transactions!
As your accountant, we may request copies of invoices for assets, insurance or legal costs, etc at year end only. These can be uploaded to your Beany account at any stage for safe keeping. Even better – attach them to the relevant Xero transaction and they’ll always be there – even if you stop your subscription.
Remember, we are here to help you! If you would like to discuss any of the above information, please get in touch.
Who are Beany?
We’re an online accounting firm that is always right here for you, your accounting pain relief. The most advanced technology lets us work way more closely with you than a normal accountant world.
We have a dedicated team of certified accountants and a support team to take care of your business no matter where you are, so you can focus on growing your business. We take out the ‘fluff’, break down the barriers and get things done. Looking out for you is what we are all about. Get started for free today.
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Sue de Bièvre
Beany Co-Founder
An intrepid entrepreneur and feminist with a penchant for disruption; spotting problems and rolling her sleeves up to fix them makes Sue tick.
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