Airbnb income and how to handle it

Income tax
What can you claim if the Mixed Use Asset rules don’t apply?
Ownership Structures
Impact of the economy
De-registering from GST
Other Considerations
Who are Beany?
As Airbnb (or other private property rental sites like bookabach*) are becoming more popular, the tax consequence of running one needs to be carefully considered.
There are different rules for both income tax, GST, whether it’s a separate holiday home/bach, or your permanent residence. A few other aspects also come into the mix.
The rules around rental income are complicated and the situations can be different so we always recommend consulting with your accountant. In this article, we'll explain some general rules on the tax on Airbnb rental income in New Zealand.
*For the ease of reading, we’ll refer to this as Airbnb income for the rest of the article.
Income tax
All income derived from Airbnb (rental income) is taxable and should be declared as income in your tax returns. That’s the easy part.
The question then arises is – what expenses can be claimed?
- If the property is used only as an Airbnb and there is no personal use, expenses can be deducted in full.
- If the property is also used privately and is vacant for 62 days or more, Inland Revenue classifies this property as a Mixed Use Asset (MUA). This is where it gets tricky.
Your property incurs expenses – electricity, rates, mortgage interest, repairs, maintenance, etc. We need to figure out how the expenses are to be apportioned between private and business use.
To work out the apportionment, you need to know the following figures:
- The number of nights used as an Airbnb
- Nights used personally by your or related parties
- Nights where friends and family pay less than 80% of the market rental
- Property expenses
Now – we could give you a complicated formula, but the IRD has a very useful Mixed Use Asset Calculator. Respond to the questions and include the figures above. No calculator (or tablet, or smartphone) needed!
What can you claim if the Mixed Use Asset rules don’t apply?
This would be the case if you rented out part of your personal residence as an Airbnb. The property will be occupied for the full year (by you) – so the 62 non-use days described above won’t be applicable.
Actual cost method
A fair and reasonable approach needs to be used. The courts have accepted a floor area apportionment as being reasonable (similar to use of home office claims), taking into consideration the actual occupancy use. These would need to be looked at and calculated on a case-by-case basis.
Short-stay standard-cost method*
A nice exception offered!
Here, you don’t need to gather all property expenses and work out the proportion to claim if you're claiming for taxes on rental income like Airbnb.
The simplified method is where Inland Revenue says that the first $xx of rental income you receive is exempt from income tax. However, it's worth noting that you can use the method if you rent out your home for only 100 nights or less over the income year (each room in your house is equal to 1 of these nights, so if you rent out your 3 bedroom house for 1 night we'll see that as 3 nights).
In 2024, the rate was $61 per night if you are the homeowner, or $55 when you're not the homeowner. This means that the first $61 isn’t taxed. The difference between the actual rate you charged and $61, is the income to be declared.
For example, if you charged $120 per night, you would declare only $59 per night as rental income ($120 less $61). No further expenses can be claimed though.
* There are certain criteria as to whether the short-stay standard-cost method can be used. If you don’t meet them, then you need to use the actual cost method.
Ownership Structures
What about if the property was owned in a Partnership or Trust (by partnership we mean a registered partnership with the IRD not joint ownership)? How would this impact income tax and GST?
The answer – income tax would stay the same but for GST purposes, all nights stayed by partners or associates of the trust would be deemed to have taken place at market value – this could easily take you above the GST threshold without you actually having received much Airbnb income.
Operating an Airbnb, in the majority of cases, will fall under the rules for Commercial Dwellings for GST – similar to a Bed & Breakfast.
This means that if taxable income exceeds $60,000 you must be registered for GST. You need to be aware that:
- Family and friends staying for a reduced amount (or for free) needs to be considered as income for GST purposes. How would this work practically? If you’re close to the GST threshold of $60,000 and your family and friends stay there for free or at a discounted price, you could be tipped into registration without meaning to be!
- If you’re not GST registered from your sole trader activities, the Airbnb income is added to your other taxable activities and could result in revenue of more than $60,000.
There are also new GST rules which came into effect from 1st April 2024 regarding bookings made through an online marketplace (which includes sites like Airbnb and Bookabach).
Read more: Registering for GST
GST on the property purchase and sale
As mentioned above, your income from Airbnb and your other taxable activities could become higher than $60,000.
Yes – you must register for GST and account for GST on rental income and the expenses, and that’s straight-forward. But wait for it…
GST on the property purchase and property sale needs to be accounted for, even if it wasn’t the intention to offer Airbnb accommodation at the time you bought it!
There are options available depending on your situation. We recommend seeking advice from your accountant on the best option for you. If you're not working with one, register for Beany today and get a team of experts who can help.
GST on expenses
GST is 100% claimable if the cost directly relates to the Airbnb income.
If the property is Mixed Use Asset, the costs must be allocated as private and business in the same manner as income tax described above. GST is only claimable on the business portion.
This calculation is quite complex, so most choose to have the final adjustment worked out when the financial statements are prepared each year.
You purchased a private bach three years ago for $395,000. It’s used as an Airbnb and generates $40,000 in a year of income. You usually let it out at $500 per night. Your family and friends stay there for 41 days in one year for free. The current market value is $450,000.
You decide to stop renting it out because it’s not worth the hassle. You decide to keep it as a family holiday home. This is a change of use from commercial to personal.
Rental Income = $40,000 (80 nights at $500)
Deemed Rental Income = $20,500 (41 nights at $500)
Total rental income = $60,500 – which would be declared for income tax
Inland Revenue sees that your taxable activity has generated $60,500 of income and you should have been GST registered. Now they want:
- GST on the commercial Airbnb income for the past three years – approximately $23k
- You’ll be able to claim GST on expenses incurred
- GST on the change in use from commercial to residential sale price at the current market value of $450,000 ($59k of GST) less GST on the purchase price ($51k) = $8k
This comes to approximately $31k GST owed to the government. A one-hour chat with your accountant will be worth it!
Impact of the economy
Property is vacant
In order to be registered for GST, you need to be:
"Undertaking a taxable activity on a continuous and regular basis, involving, or intending to involve, the supply of your property as short-term rental accommodation."
So – if your property is vacant, are you still undertaking the taxable activity on a continuous basis? Should you be de-registered? Good questions.
Inland Revenue could enforce GST-deregistration, which has HUGE impact – the main one being that you’ll need to pay GST on the current market value of the property (or portion of the property) being used as an Airbnb.
If the property is worth $1.8m, you’re looking at paying $235k to the IRD. That’s just GST.
Changing permanently to residential
If you’ve decided to use the property for long-term residential rental permanently, the switch is much clearer than temporarily changing.
A long-term residential rental is considered exempt from GST and therefore, if a person was to move from short-term to long term residential rental they will need to account for GST on that change in use. This will either be by way of de-registration, or a change in use (if they still undertake another taxable activity).
There might be some adjustments or additional claims that could be available in such a case to help offset the likely cash cost of this transition, so it is important that you talk to your tax advisor to manage this process.
Changing temporarily to residential rental
GST applies for commercial properties (Airbnb), but does not apply to residential rental income and expenses
We’ve had clients changing the use of the property from an Airbnb (short-term accommodation) to a residential rental (long-term accommodation) due to Covid. There were only a few domestic bookings for the Airbnb, and even less from international visitors. Until Airbnb business picks up, some owners are using the property as a residential rental to cover costs.
This is a precarious situation and could result in Inland Revenue arguing that the taxable activity of operating a commercial property no longer exists – the taxable activity is now residential rental, which is not subject to GST.
This would require GST de-registration. However, there are arguments that the activity is continuing, with any residential rental only being temporary and does not amount to a 100% change in use or cessation of the taxable activity. Instead, the business’ GST registration should continue, with adjustments for any residential activity.
There isn’t going to be a ‘one-size fits all’ solution. Inland Revenue’s position may change depending on supportable facts.
If you are in this position, it is imperative that you talk to your accountant to assist with your situation and what you need to do.
De-registering from GST
Do not de-register your Airbnb business from GST until you have spoken with an accountant or tax advisor (e.g. Beany)!
It was all unicorns and rainbows when you claimed GST on the original price of the Airbnb and received a great refund. Now you need to pay back the GST – not on the original price, but on its sale price / market value.
If you’re looking to exit the Airbnb business, consider selling the property as an Airbnb business to another party as a going concern*. If the buyer and seller are both GST-registered, it may be possible to zero-rate the transaction.
* Going concern – the business continues to operate as normal, but the ownership changes
Read more: Special transactions on GST
Other Considerations
By using your property to derive income there can be other issues that need to be considered:
- Rates and consents – local councils may impose additional requirements for visitor accommodation.
- Insurance – standard house and/or contents insurance does not cover Airbnb type rentals.
- Lending – running Airbnb rentals may impact on bank lending so you need to discuss further with your bank.
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As we mentioned – it’s pretty complex, and incredibly important to get your head around before you list your property on a website! Our advice, as always, is to speak to your accountant or tax advisor and get some direct information that is pertinent to your situation before you load up your property for short-stay rental!
Who are Beany?
We understand accounting and tax can be overwhelming - and we are here to take the weight off your shoulders. Beany's certified accountants and friendly team can help you manage your accounting and tax. We carefully interpret and apply tax rules to enable you to stay compliant and pay the least amount of tax legally possible.
Our expertise comes without the jargon and is designed to help you save both time and money. To find out more about how we can help with your business accounting, get in touch or register today.
Sue de Bièvre
Beany Co-Founder
An intrepid entrepreneur and feminist with a penchant for disruption; spotting problems and rolling her sleeves up to fix them makes Sue tick.
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